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Hamburg ITU World Triathlon Series

  • Hamburg Germany Germany (map)

Hamburg ITU World Series is one of the stand out events on the circuit, fast, furious  & an action filled course! With crazy fans lining the streets plus a huge Age Group event, its not one to miss!


Check the full schedule below-

Saturday, 14 July 2018  

07:00 - 12:00Check-In age groupAlstertor

07:30 - 15:00Bag Drop & PickUpReesendammbrücke

08:00 - 12:00Starts - individual race sprint distance (25 blocks every 10 minutes)Alsteranleger

08:00 - 18:00BKK Mobil Oil accreditation / collection of start documents (only Olympic)Gänsemarkt

08:00 - 16:00Age Group Athlete Area openGerhart-Hauptmann-Platz

09:00Start Paratriathlon (Startblock G)Alsteranleger

09:00First finish SDRathausmarkt

09:00 - 20:00ExpoJungfernstieg

10:00 - 13:00 Early Check-Out (only with booked additional service)Alstertor

11:45 - 12:00Presentation ceremony paratriathlon elite (transition zone)TA Rathausmarkt

12:00 - 13:30Test swimming / Olymic distanceLombardsbrücke

12:10 - 12:30Starts - relay teams sprint distance (3 blocks every 10 minutes)Alsteranleger

13:15 - 13:45Presentation ceremony Hamburg Energie FirmencupTA Rathausmarkt

13:45 - 16:30Check-Out age groupAlstertor

14:00 - 20:00VIP-LoungeRathausmarkt

14:45 - 16:15Athletes Lounge Check-In ELITE MENAthletes Lounge / Rathausmarkt

15:00Last finish age group sprint distance (CUTOFF)Rathausmarkt

15:45 - 16:15Transition Area Open ELITE MENTransition Area / Rathausmarkt

16:00 - 16:25Swim Warm-Up ELITE MENStart Area / Lake Alster

16:30Pre-Start Line-Up & Athletes Presentation ELITE MENStart Area / Lake Alster

16:35 - 17:45Livestream ARD 

16:40Start ELITE MENStart Area / Lake Alster

17:00 - 19:00Pasta-Party Olympic distanceVapiano Gänsemarkt

17:32Finish ELITE MENRathausmarkt

17:37Medal ceremony Elite MENRathausmarkt

16:55 - 18:25Athletes Lounge Check-In ELITE WOMENAthletes Lounge / Rathausmarkt

17:55 - 18:25Transition Area Open ELITE WOMENTransition Area / Rathausmarkt

18:00 - 18:25Swim Warm-Up ELITE WOMENStart Area / Lake Alster

18:35 - 19:45Livestream ARD 

18:30Pre-Start Line-Up & Athletes Presentation ELITE WOMENStart Area / Lake Alster

18:40Start ELITE WOMENStart Area / Lake Alster

19:38Finish ELITE WOMENRathausmarkt

19:43Medal ceremony ELITE WOMENRathausmarkt

20:00Coaches Briefing ITU Triathlon Mixed Relay World ChampionshipsMarriott / Salon A


Sunday, 15 July 2018  

05:30 - 10:15Check-In age group Olympic DistanceAlstertor

06:00 - 15:00Bag Drop & PickUpReesendammbrücke

06:30 - 09:58Starts - individual race olympic distance (24 blocks every 8-10 minutes)Alsteranleger

08:30First finish individual race olympics distanceRathausmarkt

08:30 - 15:00Age Group Athlete Area openGerhart-Hauptmann-Platz

09:00 - 18:00ExpoJungfernstieg

10:06 - 10:30Starts - relay teams olympic distance (4 blocks every 8 minutes)Alsteranleger

10:00 - 13:30 Early Check-Out  (only with booked additional service)Alstertor

12:15 - 12:45Presentation ceremony Hamburg Energie FirmencupTA Rathausmarkt

12:30 - 14:00Athletes Lounge Check-In Mixed TeamsAthletes Lounge / Rathausmarkt

13:00 - 18:00VIP-LoungeRathausmarkt

13:00 - 16:30Check-Out Age GroupAlstertor

13:15 - 14:00 Transition Area Open Mixed TeamsTransition Area / City Hall Square

13:40 - 14:10Swim Warm-Up Mixed TeamsStart Area / Kleine Alster

14:00Last finish age group olympic distance (CUTOFF)Rathausmarkt

14:19Walk-in of nations  Finish chute / Rathausmarkt

14:19Pre-Start Line-Up & Athletes Presentation Mixed TeamsStart Area / Kleine Alster

14:25 - 16:00Live-broadcast ZDF 

14:30Start ELITE ITU Triathlon Mixed Relay World ChampionshipsKleine Alster

15:52Finish ELITE ITU Triathlon Mixed Relay World ChampionshipsRathausmarkt

15:57Presentation ceremony Elite Mixed Team World ChampionshipRathausmarkt

Earlier Event: 8 July
Tiszaujvaros ITU World Cup Final